What is an amalgamation?
An amalgamation is the process of combining two or more adjacent allotments into a single allotment. In simple terms, this is where two properties that are next to each other are combined into one single new property.
Why amalgamate?
There are a number of reasons why someone might want to amalgamate their property, including:
- To create a larger, more valuable property.
- To simplify the ownership structure of the property.
- To make it easier to develop the property.
- To comply with planning requirements.
How do I amalgamate my property?
To amalgamate your property, you will need to apply to the relevant local authority for a resource consent. The application process will vary depending on the local authority, but you will typically need to provide the following information:
- Plans showing the proposed amalgamation.
- A survey plan showing the current ownership of the property.
- Evidence that the owners of all affected properties consent to the amalgamation.
What are the benefits of amalgamating my property?
There are a number of benefits to amalgamating your property, including:
- Increased value: Amalgamated properties are typically worth more than individual properties.
- Simplicity: Amalgamating can simplify the ownership structure of a property, making it easier to manage and sell.
- Development potential: Amalgamating can make it easier to develop a property, as the developer will not need to deal with multiple landowners.
- Compliance: Amalgamating can help you to comply with planning requirements, such as those relating to minimum lot sizes and setbacks.
If you are considering amalgamating your property, it is important to speak to a subdivision lawyer to discuss your options. A subdivision lawyer can help you to understand the process, prepare the necessary paperwork, and represent you at the resource consent hearing.
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Our services include:
- Freehold Subdivision land development
- Converting Crosslease title to a freehold title
- Updating crosslease flat plan
- Boundary Adjustment
- Amalgamations
- Unit title development
- Property related joint venture arrangements
- Property development
- Resource Management Act advice
- Unit titling and body corporate rules
- Creating land covenants, easements
- Removing a Building line restriction
- Varying and revoking a land covenant